I love you with all my heart I have loved you for most of my adult life 

You know me better than anybody else in my life

Just your presence can calm my spirit like no other 

I read something that described a soulmate as “Someone who has the keys to your lock and it fits perfectly.” If that doesn’t describe what you are to me I don’t know what does. 

You just get me and I know what an ass and difficult being I can be

You have no idea how much I care for you and want you

When I tell you I want you I really mean it in every sense 

I want to be with you, but I know that is never gonna happen

I first thought I would be okay with just having a piece of you whenever you permitted

That couldn’t be any further from the truth

The small piece you allowed me access to only made me want you more 

I want you more than I even wanted to admit

Listening to you talk to your wife, knowing she has what I want makes my heart ache more

Having you so close physically but so far emotionally hurts 

I love you, always have, and always will

Coming to terms with me not being to you what you are to me is what makes me take a step back